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How to choose the perfect decking panels

UK safety regulations governing the construction of decked areas require some decks to have a handrail, and many people choose to complete the look with spindles or panels. Here, we explain how to choose the perfect panels.

In previous articles, we have discussed how to install a handrail on decking and have told you all about decking spindles. In this article, we take a look at decking panels and help you pick the perfect panel for you.

Decking spindles or panels?

Decking spindles, or balusters, are positioned around the perimeter of a decked area and sit between a base rail and a handrail. However, for some people, swapping these out for decking panels provide a better alternative. The final choice comes down to personal preference but there are certain features of decking panels that should be considered before making a decision.

Benefits of decking panels

Aesthetically,the addition of decking panels to your decked area will transform it into a feature and, if used to support rambling plants, will turn the decked area into an integral part of your outdoor space and not just an extra fixture.  

From a safety and security point of view, for those families with babies and toddlers the use of decking panels will reduce the risks of little ones slipping off the decking, and transform it into a safe place to play. Decked areas in parts of the property that can be overlooked from a public footpath, can be subject to prying passersby. Using decking panels which form a more solid and substantial barrier than spindles, improves the privacy of your area and giving an extra sense of security.

If your outside area is exposed to the elements, decking panels act as a windbreak, allowing you to sit outside in more inclement weather. More delicate, container grown plants can also be sheltered from the weather.

Decking panels from Witham Timber

All our decking panels are manufactured from pressure treated timber sourced from sustainable forests. The versatile panels look equally fine around the edge of a decked area or as conventional garden fence panels, allowing you to coordinate your outdoor space. The Cross Top Deck Panel and the Elite Cross Top Deck Panel both feature mortise and tenon joints with a rebated frame to hold the vertical boards and diamond trellis securely in place. The Elite panel has the addition of vertical bars at the top of the panel for extra detailing and strength. The Sunshine Deck Panel is the same on each side, with no front or back, which allows the panel to be enjoyed from either aspect.

When using any of our decking panels as conventional fence panels, it is recommended to use them alongside a wooden gravel board or a concrete gravel board, to reduce contact with the ground. They can also be used with slotted concrete fence posts.

About Witham Timber

Witham Timber has been supplying quality timber garden products to domestic, commercial and landscaping customers for over 40 years. Our cross section of customers is wide and ranges from individual homeowners, to professional fencing contractors and European thoroughbred racehorse stud farms. Our experienced staff is available to help and advise on any aspect of our product range and can be contacted by telephone on 01205 359188 or via email at

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